National Welfare Plan:
Welfare in the Wake of War

A comprehensive strategy to enhance social resilience through nationwide welfare services, addressing immediate concerns arising from conflict while also strengthening the social fabric of the nation on a broader scale.

The Background

The events of October 7 and the Israel-Hamas war have presented multifaceted challenges to Israel’s welfare system. The widespread harm inflicted on civilians and soldiers during the attacks and throughout the months of conflict, coupled with the struggles faced by hostages and their families, the plight of hundreds of thousands of evacuees, and the profound hardships endured by bereaved and injured families, underscore the urgent need for the welfare system to address a myriad of needs. It becomes evident that the welfare system must offer suitable support during the war and continue to do so well into the post-war period, addressing the lingering effects of these challenges.

The Challenge

Given the sudden emergence of these challenges without prior preparation, it’s clear that welfare system professionals delivered swift and comprehensive responses to address the diverse needs of those affected by the attack and the war. The response was further characterized by extensive volunteer involvement, civic initiatives, and NGO support, which bolstered the welfare system and enabled impressive readiness at both the national and local levels.

However, the welfare system’s earnest intent to serve all in need was overshadowed by pre-war limitations, including severe budget shortages, inadequate infrastructure, and a lack of social workers. Additionally, significant disparities in access to welfare services across different regions further compounded these challenges.

National Welfare Plan in the Wake of War: A collaborative effort between the Menomadin Foundation, the Hebrew University, and the Ministry of Welfare and Social Affairs to strengthen Israeli welfare system amid post-war challenges. Left to Right: Prof. Asher Ben-Arie, Minister Ya'akov Margi, Haim Taib, Prof. Johnny Gal, Prof. Michal Bar-Almog, Prof. Mini Eisenstadt

National Welfare Plan in the Wake of War: A collaborative effort between the Menomadin Foundation, the Hebrew University, and the Ministry of Welfare and Social Affairs to strengthen Israeli welfare system amid post-war challenges. Left to Right: Prof. Asher Ben-Arie, Minister Ya’akov Margi, Haim Taib, Prof. Johnny Gal, Prof. Michal Bar-Almog, Prof. Mini Eisenstadt

The Opportunity

The National Welfare Plan, titled Welfare in the Wake of War, offers a practical and comprehensive strategy designed to equip the Israeli welfare system with the means to effectively address the challenges introduced by Israel-Hamas Warfare. This initiative emerged in response to the significant challenges confronted by Israel’s welfare system since the war began, with the goal of creating a framework equipped to address the wide range of challenges the State of Israel expects to face in the future. Developed amid the conflict through a collaborative effort between the Menomadin Foundation, the Hebrew University, and Israel’s leading welfare researchers under the guidance of Prof. Johnny Gal, the plan was presented to the Minister of Welfare and Social Affairs, Ya’akov Margi.

The welfare plan, comprising eighteen chapters, provides specialized responses for both the direct and indirect victims of the war. It targets evacuee populations, those impacted by the October 7th events, families of the injured and deceased, and vulnerable groups. Key recommendations include: creating mechanisms for the quick enactment of social and economic rights, standardizing benefits for spouses of reserve soldiers, increasing support for trauma victims, enhancing the number of resilience functionaries, legally securing the rights of hostage families, developing organized accommodations for evacuees, among other strategies.

The National Welfare Plan ‘Welfare in the Wake of War’ is an updated edition of the National Welfare Plan The Right to Good Welfare, which was submitted to former Minister of Welfare and Social Affairs, Meir Cohen, in 2022, by the Menomadin Foundation. The main recommendations from the original plan are already being put into practice. This updated plan aims to build a robust welfare system that can withstand emergencies at various levels—systemically, in service provision, and tailored to the needs of different communities. Furthermore, it seeks to establish the right to quality welfare both in everyday life and in times of crisis.

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