
From Remembrance to Revival 2024: “Our Marching Steps Ring Out: ‘We Are Here!’”

A month after October 7th, Haim Taib and his wife Iris visited Kibbutz Ein HaShlosha. Standing in front of one burnt home, their accompanying security officer told them about its resident, 81-year-old Holocaust survivor Jacqueline...

May 23, 2024

The Menomadin Foundation Unveils Plan to Strengthen Israeli Welfare System to Address War’s Ramifications

In a respectable ceremony and an intimate friendly gathering, Menomadin’s Founder...

March 27, 2024
March 19, 2024
March 9, 2024

Wartime: Health-tech Startups are Stepping Up

The attack on Israel on October 7th, 2023, led to a...

November 26, 2023

We’ll Get Through It Together: Provide Your Employees Immediate Access to Emotional Support and Consultation

“Four days after Israel’s Black Saturday, we have decided to connect...

October 19, 2023
September 28, 2023

Menomadin Foundation and TALMA collaborate to open an English Studies Summer School in Angola

English teachers from Israel and Jewish communities around the world traveled...

August 13, 2023

“The dreams we helped come true, the lives we changed for the better: This is what keeps me going”

Xavier Narciso (38, married and father of four), Director of Social...

June 28, 2023

Impact Report: How to Transform the Social and Environmental into a Finance Driving-Force

The first impact report of the Menomadin Foundation is a roadmap...

May 3, 2023

The Mission: Perserve Angola’s Cultural Assets and Bring Them to the World

In a beautiful and colorful ceremony held yesterday evening, the Fundação...

March 30, 2023
December 15, 2022
November 15, 2022

Menomadin Foundation Presents: The Right to Good Welfare

At a festive press conference held in Jerusalem, following a two-year...

July 23, 2022

The Menomadin Foundation Marks International Food Safety Day with Ambassadors of African countries

On the occasion of International Food Safety Day, ambassadors of African...

June 8, 2022

“Have courage, strength and determination because anything is possible”

Every year, on March 8th, international Women’s Day is marked around...

March 8, 2022

Integrating the Ultra-Orthodox into Premium Hi-Tech Jobs

Facilitating the integration of ultra-Orthodox Jews (Haredi) into the Israeli Hi-Tech...

January 12, 2022

The Eyes Say it All

The COVID-19 pandemic has impacted hospitals around the world. Among other...

August 9, 2021

“In a year, Tiberias is going to be completely different”

The city of Tiberias was built on the western shore of...

May 13, 2021

The “Day After” Coalition Presents: Start-up Nation Arrives in Rahat

In early 2020, shortly after it became evident that the COVID-19...

March 18, 2021

Want to change everyone’s life for the better? Join the “Local Agreement Councils”

The Coronavirus pandemic has gravely affected the world, and Israel in...

February 18, 2021

When Opportunity meets Vision

Arik Ben Yishay (36) has a strange hobby. Since he was...

January 24, 2021

Reaching for the Stars

Hamza Alqoraan dreams about a foundational change of the Bedouin educational...

December 28, 2020

Operation Positive Reinforcement: Giving ‘Tickets’ to people for wearing a face mask

The Israeli Congress’ initiative ‘Positive Reinforcement’ in cities marked “red” continues....

November 26, 2020

Bar-Ilan University inaugurates the Menomadin Center for Jewish and Democratic Law

Seniors in Israeli Academy and Judicial Community gathered for a festive...

October 25, 2020

Save a Child’s Heart: Five Children with Heart Disease from Ivory Coast Arrived in Israel for Life-Saving Surgery

Following a collaboration between the “Save a Child’s Heart – Africa”...

October 14, 2020

Shana Tova: Read Our End of the Year NewsLetter

As a new joyous and hopeful Jewish year approaches, it provides...

September 13, 2020

Art in the Time of COVID

In August 2020, a street art festival was held in Angola,...

September 3, 2020

How to Spark Social Change: International Businessman Haim Taib is Challenging the Status Quo

Kibbutzim and Youth Villages in Africa, a groundbreaking project aiming to...

June 1, 2020

The Second Annual Gala Event of the Israeli Congress: Agreeing Upon an Israeli Future

Hundreds of people attended the second annual gala of the Israeli...

April 1, 2020

The launch event of the new Fundação Art and Culture Center

We created a video that summarizes the inaugural event of the...

March 1, 2020

Summary of the visit to the Menomadin Foundation and the Mitrelli Group projects in Angola

After many years working towards the improvement of the living conditions...

March 1, 2020

Fundação Arte e Cultura Launches a New, One-of-a-Kind Community Center in Luanda

Dozens of guests from Israel and Angola celebrated the opening of...

February 20, 2020
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