Impact Management
Impact management is a structured, organized and systematic process that enables organizations to evaluate their progress towards achieving their impact goals, while communicating and engaging with stakeholders.
The process includes planning, measuring, managing and reporting the positive and negative, intentional and unintentional, social or environmental effects of an activity. The product of the process is an Impact Report, which details the goals and metrics of the initiative, the data collection method, the impact measurement, the results and the conclusions.
The impact management process comprises strategic and creative thinking about challenges, trends and perceptual gaps. These aspects represent the basis for the formulation of possible directions of action to create beneficial change. To be effective, impact management must be integrated into an organization’s day-to-day operations, policies, and decision-making processes.
By regularly assessing and reporting on its impact, an organization can identify areas for improvement, engage stakeholders, and demonstrate its commitment to sustainability and ethical practices. It has the power to influence the organization’s public image and deepen the connection to all stakeholders, including participants, customers, employees, management, investors, regulators, shareholders, community residents, residents of the region, and the general public.
Socio-Environmental-Economic Impact Management
As a fund that invests, partners, leads and operates a wide range of impact initiatives, it was essential for the Menomadin Foundation team to develop an impact management methodology that will be applicable in both Strategic Philanthropy initiatives in Israel and Africa, national Cross-Sectoral Partnerships, as well as Impact Investment initiatives in the impact economy and in technologies aimed at creating economic gain alongside beneficial social and environmental change over time.
Backed by an academic-scientific approach and in-depth knowledge of research and development processes, we have developed an orderly and structured methodology, framed by a philosophy of “empathic accuracy”, which enables data-based decision making and optimal impact management. Our Impact Management Methodology consists of five structured stages:
What is Blended Finance?
Blended Finance is an innovative financing method, which strategically uses philanthropic funds to unlock new sources of capital, government allocations and private investments, mobilizing it to address social or environmental goals.
Impact Management Methodology
Intentions and Goals
Every initiative begins by identifying a social or environmental need that has not been appropriately addressed. Together with our partners in the initiative, we identify the roots of the complex problem, separately from its symptoms, and outline possible courses of action that may lead to change.
A Problem Statement
- Identify Areas of InfluenceOperational expertise
- Determine GoalsThematic focus
- Specify IndicatorsSDG alignment
Action Plan
In the second stage, we seek to develop creative, holistic and impactful solutions. The work process begins with in-depth research of the field, mapping the possible opportunities.
Integrating theoretical information, practical tools, peer group discussions, and learning from the field, we design a value-chain solution that includes various key players who we see as relevant to achieving the goals we have set, including third sector organizations, private companies and government entities, with us serving as the “honest broker” between them.
We develop a long-term action plan based on the Theory of Change, and ensure measurable and replicable goals using the IMP (Impact Management Project) method.
Theory of Change Methodology
- Research & IntelligenceIdentify opportunities
- Design Value Chain SolutionThe "Honest Broker"
- A Holistic Approach to PPPPrivate-Public Partnership
Data Collection
The third stage includes implementing the solution in the field, while measuring and monitoring its efficacy.
In accordance with the Blended Finance Approach, at this stage we make strategic use of philanthropic resources to create risk-reducing mechanisms, in order to attract private capital for the benefit of the venture, and channel it to create and cultivate a significant and long-term impact.
Optimal Implementation of Value Chain
- Strategic PhilanthropyEnable Impact
- Impact InvestmentsScale Impact
- Cross-sector partnershipsSustain Impact
Impact measurement
The impact assessment stage of our value chain includes measuring performance, analyzing findings, and drawing conclusions through peer learning. We estimate the socio-environmental impact of the model we built according to the IMP dimensions and evaluate the economic opportunity it created using ROI.
Based on the lessons learned, and with quality risk management, we continually update our value chain to improve both social impact and economic opportunity in future implementation.
Measurement of Results & Feedback Reporting
- Track OutcomesPredeclared milestones and IMP dimensions
- Measure performanceSocio-Environmental-Economic Impact
- Share LessonsContribute to peer learning
Conclusions and Growth
Having realized that our value chain model achieves its intended goals in an efficient and effective manner, our public sector partners, who have been part of the value chain throughout the process, are now taking the lead, implementing the solution on a broader scale and ensuring that it is sustained over time. At the same time, we are producing a “manual”, which is intended to help other public and government entities implement the model in other locations. We also examine the possibility of adapting the successful solution to additional target audiences and new sectors.
Sustainable and Long-lasting Impact
- Scalability, Sustainability and TransferabilityPublic and social partners
- Create a ManualA scale-up guide
- Model ExpansionAdaptations to new audiences and sectors
Strategic Philanthropy
Future-facing philanthropic activity
Impact Investing
Aligning profit with purpose
Cross-Sector Partnerships
Flagship Public-Private Partnerships