The Menomadin-Peres Executive Initiative: Impact-Driving Leadership

An innovative and groundbreaking initiative designed to strengthen Israel’s social resilience through a unique connection between the business, public, and social sectors, emphasizing broad collaboration that empowers society as a whole. This initiative is the result of a partnership between the Menomadin Foundation, the Peres Academic Center, and the Israeli Congress, in collaboration with Harvard University in the United States, which makes it both international and multidisciplinary.

The Background

In recent years, Israel has been grappling with internal tensions stemming from political and social divisions that threaten its social cohesion. In this complex reality, where Israeli society is torn over numerous contentious issues, the absence of tolerant and responsible discourse is particularly striking. This situation highlights the urgent need for strong and unifying leadership that can bridge divides, foster inclusive dialogue, and harness the strength of Israeli society for collective action to secure its resilience, unity, and future.

The Challenge

The business sector has always been Israel’s primary engine of growth. Business leaders in Israel drive remarkable innovation, building on a legacy of both local and international success. In contrast, the public and social sectors, responsible for addressing the critical issues that underpin society, often struggle with inefficiency and ongoing budgetary challenges. By combining the knowledge and creativity of the business sector’s leading minds with the commitment and values of the social sector, impactful and transformative initiatives can emerge. These initiatives will help foster a new kind of leadership that blends vision with action, capable of addressing complex challenges and strengthening both national unity and resilience—especially in times of crisis.

The Opportunity

The “Menomadin-Peres Executive Leadership Initiative” is designed for senior leaders from the business, public, and social sectors who have demonstrated exceptional leadership skills in their fields and are committed to dedicating their time and energy to positively impacting Israeli society. The initiative provides business sector leaders with unique tools to drive significant social change, while equipping public and social sector leaders with the necessary skills to initiate and implement groundbreaking, forward-thinking projects.

The initiative consists of two complementary leadership development programs. The first program, “Leading Change for Impact in Israeli Society,” is offered by the Peres Academic Center and delivered by prominent Israeli thought leaders. This program provides an in-depth understanding of Israeli society and governance, offering participants comprehensive knowledge of the key challenges facing the country and equipping them with practical tools to drive positive change. The second program, “Private Leadership and Negotiation as a Tool for Public Sector Intervention,” is offered by the Harvard Kennedy School Executive Education (HKS). As part of this program, participants travel to Cambridge, Massachusetts, for an intensive week of study. Specifically developed for this initiative, the program focuses on adaptive leadership, moral leadership, negotiation, and behavioral sciences. It also includes a series of virtual meetings led by HKS faculty, enabling continued learning and guidance after participants return to Israel.

The participants in the initiative represent a broad spectrum of Israeli society, reflecting diversity in gender, culture, ethnicity, and religion, as well as a wide range of professional backgrounds. This composition aims to create a dynamic “microcosm” of Israeli society, fostering the exchange of ideas and the development of creative solutions. Eligible candidates can apply for scholarships from the fund established in memory of Lt. Col. Asaf Hamami, the commander of the Southern Brigade in the Gaza Division, who fell in the battles of October 7th, or from the fund established in memory of Yossi Tahar, an elite Shin Bet operative who also fell in the same battles.

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