Israel’s Unity Awards: President Grants Special Recognition to Haim Taib and Menomadin Foundation

The Menomadin Team
June 16, 2024

An ordinary morning turned into a profoundly exciting day with a single phone call. On the line was Economy Minister Nir Barkat, who informed Haim Taib that the Menomadin Foundation had been selected to receive a special certificate of appreciation for its significant contributions to Israeli society during the Israel-Hamas War. “This was a defining moment for the Menomadin Foundation,” said Taib, founder and president of the organization. “Receiving this certificate from President Isaac Herzog at the State of Israel’s Unity Award event is deeply moving. It serves as a powerful reminder that even in the most challenging times, when we unite in our mission, we can make a meaningful impact.

“If we unite, we will emerge stronger”

“The events of October 7 had a profound impact on me, as they did on many others,” Taib reflects. “The brutal attack on the southern settlements, the unimaginable cruelty of the terrorists, the numerous young victims, and the intense battles to defeat them left me deeply unsettled. I knew that Israeli society was facing a severe test, but I was convinced that if we could unite after years of division, we could overcome the crisis and emerge stronger.” Taib was pleased to find that Dr. Merav Galili, the CEO, and the foundation’s team shared his perspective. In the following days, the team began developing an action plan to support Israel and foster national unity and resilience.

As a result, when war broke out, the Menomadin Foundation made a strategic decision to channel its resources, knowledge, and years of experience toward promoting unity, strengthening national resilience, and aiding in the rehabilitation and revitalization of communities in the Gaza envelope region and the north.

Action Plan: “Together We Will Win”

The slogan “Together we will win,” displayed on every street corner, became a rallying cry for the Menomadin Foundation. In response to the events of October 7, the Foundation quickly mobilized to support the civilian population. A substantial donation was made to the Jewish Agency’s Fund for Victims of Terrorism, allowing for the swift distribution of grants to numerous victims. At the same time, the Foundation supported the cities of Ashkelon and Netivot by establishing municipal war rooms and providing essential equipment for residents. The Menomadin Foundation’s prompt and comprehensive actions helped alleviate the suffering of those affected by the crisis and strengthened the sense of security and community resilience.

Beyond these direct efforts, Haim Taib launched a large-scale billboard campaign to raise awareness about the Israeli children held hostage by Hamas and to call for their release. “The thought of 35 babies, toddlers, boys, and girls sleeping at night in captivity by this despicable terrorist organization haunted me,” Taib shares. “I thought about the parents and families consumed by worry about their children’s fate, not knowing how, when, or if they would see them again, and it was unbearable. But I knew I wasn’t alone; millions of people in Israel and around the world shared this terrible feeling. I decided to call on my friends—building and company owners—to join me in spreading huge signs across the country, demanding the immediate and unconditional release of the children.”

A Menomadin Foundation and Mitrelli Group initiative: Signs of the boys and girls held hostage in Gaza were displayed on commercial buildings along major roads and intersections throughout the country.

A Menomadin Foundation and Mitrelli Group initiative: Signs of the boys and girls held hostage in Gaza were displayed on commercial buildings along major roads and intersections throughout the country.

The Menomadin Foundation and the Mitrelli Group, both owned by Taib, partnered with Baram Advertising to produce the giant signs. The response from large companies was remarkable, and soon the tender faces of the boys and girls held hostage in Gaza were displayed on commercial buildings along major roads and intersections throughout the country. The overwhelming support from business owners led the Menomadin Foundation to print signs for apartments and private homes as well. On his Facebook page, Haim Taib invited anyone interested to visit the Foundation’s offices to pick up a sign. “Let’s help bring these children back to their families, and together we will win,” he urged. From north to south, people responded to Taib’s call, and soon dozens of signs adorned balconies, fences, and roadsides across the country.

National and Economic Resilience

Simultaneously, the Menomadin Foundation supported the startups in its portfolio during this challenging period. The foundation invests in Israeli companies that develop technologies with the potential to positively impact society and the environment, while also offering significant profitability potential. As these startups navigated the typical hurdles of early-stage development, the outbreak of war introduced a new layer of uncertainty. Key personnel, from employees to CEOs, were called up for immediate reserve duty, and investors began expressing hesitation and concern. “As an impact investor, the Menomadin Foundation takes a long-term view of its investments. We are less concerned with short-term fluctuations in our balance sheet,” explains Dr. Galili. Menomadin’s portfolio includes companies that are developing critical medical solutions used by the military and in treating war casualties, as well as a company providing emotional support services to reservists and their families.

Among the portfolio companies is EyeControl, which is developing technology that allows locked-in patients and injured individuals who cannot speak to communicate through eye movements. Biobeat is creating devices for remote monitoring of vital signs in patients and the wounded. Ifeel has developed a platform that provides emotional support to reservists and their families. In addition, the foundation invests in Spot-It-Early, which combines AI technologies with the olfactory abilities of dogs to detect various cancers; RightHear, which develops a technology to help the visually impaired navigate public spaces; SupPlant, which enhances agricultural yields while significantly reducing water usage; Liva, a startup dedicated to extending the shelf life of fresh food through natural bio-preservation; and Extra-Tech, a placement company that trains ultra-Orthodox women for leading roles in the high-tech industry. To ensure the stability of these companies and to further their important social and environmental missions, Menomadin has made concerted efforts to help them expand into new markets during this time and, in some cases, has even increased its investments.

National and International-Level Resilience

At the same time, the Menomadin Foundation leveraged its experience and connections to strengthen Israel’s resilience at a strategic level. Collaborating with leading experts across various welfare fields, the foundation presented the Minister of Welfare and Social Affairs Yaakov Margi with a comprehensive plan titled Welfare in the Wake of War. This plan offers a practical strategy designed to equip the Israeli welfare system to effectively address the challenges posed by the Israel-Hamas conflict.

Welfare in the Wake of War: Haim Taib presents the Minister of Welfare and Social Affairs with a comprehensive plan to effectively address the challenges posed by the ongoing conflict.

Welfare in the Wake of War: Haim Taib presents the Minister of Welfare and Social Affairs with a comprehensive plan to effectively address the challenges posed by the ongoing conflict.

The Welfare in the Wake of War plan builds on the Menomadin Foundation’s earlier National Welfare initiative The Right to Good Welfare which was adopted by the Israeli government in 2022. This initiative provides actionable recommendations for supporting populations directly and indirectly affected by the war and addresses systemic challenges that have emerged or worsened due to the conflict.

The foundation has additionally worked to foster solidarity and mutual responsibility between Jewish communities in Israel and the Diaspora, who have faced a troubling surge in anti-Semitism since the war began. As part of this effort, the foundation initiated a joint delegation of Holocaust survivors and survivors of the October 7 massacre to participate in the March of the Living in Auschwitz. This project aims to preserve the memory of the Holocaust, call for the unity of the Jewish people, and ensure that, out of destruction, the Jewish people will thrive and rebuild. The delegation garnered significant media and public attention, highlighting the harrowing events that led to the war through the powerful stories of its members. It also called on the Jewish people to stand united in the face of evil, with a resolute promise: Never again.

A Menomadin Foundation initiative: Survivors of both the Holocaust and the October 7 attacks led the 36th International March of the Living. Photo by: Avishag Shaar Yeshuv

A Menomadin Foundation initiative: Survivors of both the Holocaust and the October 7 attacks led the 36th International March of the Living.
Photo by: Avishag Shaar Yeshuv

Local and Regional Resilience

However, the Menomadin Foundation’s primary focus has been on supporting local and regional authorities in peripheral areas and along conflict lines, where the foundation’s expertise is most impactful. In the city of Tiberias, the Menomadin Foundation has been leading large-scale educational projects for years, working closely with municipal staff and operating in the fields of welfare and community development. The foundation’s efforts in Tiberias have fostered municipal resilience, enabling the city to accommodate over 12,000 evacuees from northern and Gaza envelope communities—representing about 20% of its population—without disrupting the daily lives of its residents. Moreover, with Menomadin’s support, the municipality was able to transform the crisis into an opportunity by establishing a new school and a large community center. These facilities initially serve the evacuees but will eventually benefit the city’s residents long-term.

This approach, which has proven highly successful in Tiberias, is now being implemented by the Menomadin Foundation in the Gaza envelope city of Netivot and other municipalities along the conflict lines in the south and north. Simultaneously, the Foundation has decided to expand its influence on a regional level. It has initiated cooperation with the Western Negev Cluster to lead a large-scale, multi-settlement education project aimed at connecting communities and fostering regional unity and resilience, alongside a similar initiative in the Kinneret Valleys cluster.

Haim Taib at the State of Israel's Unity Award Ceremony: "We are committed to continuing our efforts to build a stronger, more prosperous, and better society for everyone." Photo by: Government Press Office

Haim Taib at the State of Israel’s Unity Award Ceremony: “We are committed to continuing our efforts to build a stronger, more prosperous, and better society for everyone.”
Photo by: Government Press Office

“Determined to contribute as much as we can”

“When I look back, even I’m amazed by the tremendous work accomplished in the past few months,” Haim says sincerely. He adds, “But as our sages taught in the Mishna, ‘It is not your duty to complete the work of perfecting the world, but neither are you free to desist from it.’ Even if we cannot finish the task, each of us must contribute our part. We are committed to continuing our efforts to build a stronger, more prosperous, and better society for everyone.”

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